You are invited to participate in our exclusive event: 2022 Small Business Resource Fair hosted by UCLA Campus Purchasing and UCLA Staff Assembly.
Small Business Resource Fair - Virtually
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
11 AM to 1 PM
This year, UCLA’s annual Small Business Resource Fair will be held as a virtual event, allowing for higher attendance and closer engagement with UCLA faculty, staff and students. Participating small businesses will have an opportunity to reach over 400 UCLA departments that purchase more than $300 million in goods and services each year.
As a UCLA small business supplier or UCLA employee, you have an opportunity to meet our Chief Procurement Officer, learn about the Small Business First program and ask your questions from our procurement professionals.
10:00AM Pre-session with WESCOM for small business suppliers
Keynote Speakers:
11:00AM Welcome Note - O.T. Wells, Chief Procurement Officer
11:15AM Small Business Office Journey Over 5 Years - Marina Zdobnova, Small Business Officer
11:25AM Small Business First Program - Andrea Cooke, Senior Buyer
11:35AM PaymentWorks - Paul Tamura, eProcurement Systems Manager
11:45AM The Outstanding Small Business Supplier Nominees 2022
Breakout Rooms:
Meet the Buyers - Room 1
Meet the Vendors - Room 2
Small Business First - Room 3
Suppliers are responsible for compliance with UCLA Insurance Requirements, Code of Ethics, UC's Fair Work / Fair Wage Program and Article 5, the UC Sustainability Policy.
The Resource Fair is a key outreach activity to promote commerce with small businesses at UCLA. The event also offers a chance for departments receiving federally funded contracts to fulfill their commitments for outreach to small businesses. All UCLA Staff & Faculty members can benefit from this event.
We look forward to exploring mutually beneficial business opportunities with you on Tuesday, January 25.