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Supplier deliveries and outgoing shipments via third-party carriers and/or supplier proprietary fleets may be disrupted during the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike. UPS has announced they will decline to cross the picket line. If you leverage UPS for time-sensitive and/or cold chain deliveries, the UC community recommends temporarily moving to FedEx. Learn more in the May 24 campus communication


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New and trending training materials + key announcements!

GENERAL: A list of the fund managers and PIs currently assigned as subaward/subcontract approvers is now available. If you notice any discrepancies, notify the BruinBuy Plus team by Tuesday, May 21. Learn more in the May 14 communication.
ISSUE: Many POs are hitting the Invalid Dist workflow step due to the vendor not having an email address in PaymentWorks. If you know the email address for the PO, email and include the PO number.
UPDATE: NEW! Payment for Shipping Invoice: designed to help pay FedEx and UPS invoices (no other vendors are supported). This form has no workflow—simply attach the shipping invoice and watch it route for payment. Do not submit quotes through this form (use the Purchasing Request Form).
UPDATE: The Conference & Events Form is now called the Catering, Conferences & Events Form. Food transactions should go through this form, not the Purchase Request Form.
GENERAL: Using the Purchase Request Form for punchout and hosted catalog vendors will cause orders to go through workflow review when they should go straight to the vendor.
GENERAL: The After-the-Fact Form must be used when an invoice payment requires a PO and no PO was previously created.

GENERAL: The new Airgas contract no longer requires blankets for cylinder rentals. If you have or use a bulk nitrogen tank, a Declining Balance Rental PO is required

TIP: Create this to support one year of rent to reduce the number of change orders required.

Training Materials

From eLearning courses to quick reference guides (QRGs) and videos, easily access the resources you need! To self-enroll in an online course or to sign your staff up for specific trainings, complete the Ascend Training Form

Are you a Mednet user who is struggling to access the Box training resources? Read the Using Your Mednet Account for UCLA SSO article to troubleshoot.

Intro to BruinBuy Plus

Resource type
Introduction to BruinBuy Plus: foundational BruinBuy Plus concepts
Online Learning
Terms & Definitions: definitions of commonly used BruinBuy Plus terms

Navigation & Personal Preferences: configure your BruinBuy Plus profile

Resource Type
Introduction to BruinBuy Plus: foundational BruinBuy Plus concepts

Searching: use search features to locate order information


Predefined reports: access predefined reports


Custom Reports: create savable, custom reports 


Campus Buyer

Review the Other topic for vendor-specific materials, including purchasing instructions for Airgas, Bluetriton, FedEx, and Ricoh. 


Resource type TOPIC
Amazon Business Punchout: what is Amazon Business punchout and how to use it
Web Page
Amazon Business Punchout Registration: register for an Amazon Business punchout account
Web Page
Assign a Cart: assign a cart when creating a transaction outside your DACSS profile approval limits
CCT Contracts: leverage a contract compliance tracker (CCT) contract on your order (previously known as K Agreements)

Change Request: create a PO change request

Purchase Order

Copy an Existing Cart: copy an existing order to a new cart 

Copy an Order: copy a BruinBuy Plus order
Declining Balance PO: add a declining balance to an existing PO
Direct Pay Form for Non-Matriculated Student Payment: complete a Direct Pay Form for a non-matriculated student
FAU Modification within a Requisition: modify FAUs for requisitions and line items in BruinBuy Plus

Forms Manual: comprehensive guide to completing the following BruinBuy Plus forms:

  • After-the-Fact Request
  • ASUCLA Retail Purchase
  • Business Contracts
  • Conferences & Events
  • Direct Pay
  • Educational Media
  • Non-Cash Gift Request
  • Purchase Request
  • Research Subaward
  • Research Subcontract
  • RFP Request
  • Specialized Order Request

Hosted Catalog: place orders from a BruinBuy Plus hosted catalog

How to Find the Print Version of a PO: find a copy of the BruinBuy Plus PO that was sent to your vendor
Purchase Order
How to Make a Purchase from Airgas: make a Airgas purchase through BruinBuy Plus
How to Make a Purchase with Bluetriton: order drinking water / equipment or cancel service
Web Page
How to Make a Purchase with Gorilla Marketing: make a Gorilla Marketing purchase through BruinBuy Plus
How to Make a Purchase from Ricoh: make a Ricoh purchase through BruinBuy Plus
International & Domestic Freight Carriers: how to ship with USPS, FedEx, and other freight carriers
Web Page

Invoice Matching: review invoices and how BruinBuy Plus identifies matching exceptions

Irregular Invoice Resolution: learn how to identify and action irregular invoices.
Web Page
Lookup from a Requisition: locate a purchase order from a requisition
Manual Check Process: initiate the manual check process in BruinBuy Plus
Matching Exceptions Report: create a BruinBuy Plus matching exceptions report
McKesson Ship-To Address: select a ship-to address in the McKesson punchout catalog
Modify Cart: update an order that's already in your cart
Non-Procurement Payments: payment process for non-procurement transactions previously processed through BruinBuy

Punchout Catalog: place orders from a punchout catalog 


Purchase Order Status and Pending Distribution: determine the status and pending distribution of a purchase order

Purchase Order

Receiving: locate a PO and enter a receipt against the order

Rejected Invoices: learn about BruinBuy Plus' two invoice rejection paths, including causes and vendor-facing messages
Web Page

Request Vendor Onboarding: submit a request to onboard a vendor in PaymentWorks


Review & Submit a Shopping Cart: submit a shopping cart for all catalog purchases and forms

Search for Contracts: search for and purchase off a contract
Search Invoice Status & Payment: search a BruinBuy Plus invoice or payment status
Web Page

Searching for Purchase Orders: locate a purchase order (PO)

Purchase Order
Select Requisition: select a requisition in BruinBuy Plus
Set the Receiving Flag: flag an order to require receiving prior to an invoice being processed

Shopping Overview: introduction to the BruinBuy Plus homepage


Submitting Invoices to UCLA Using QuickBooks: vendor instructions to enable the PDF Attached feature in QuickBooks so that invoices are correctly received by UCLA’s Accounts Payable

Vendor Agreements List: list of campus-wide and UC system-wide contracts; includes catalog and contract compliance tracker (CCT) contract vendors
WEb page

PAN Reviewer

Resource type
PAN Reviewer eLearning: access the PAN Reviewer dashboard
Online Learning
PAN Reviewer Guide: complete the PAN review process
PAN Reviewer Custom Dashboard Demo: create a custom PAN reviewer dashboard 


Fund Manager

Resource type
Fund Manager eLearning: complete invoice approvals and receiving; assign a substitute approver
Online Learning
Subaward/Subcontract Tips & Resources Guide: tips for submitting subaward/subcontract requisitions as well as managing invoices
Subaward/Subcontract Invoice Approvers List: identify the fund managers and principal investigators assigned as approvers for subaward/subcontract invoices. 
Subawards/Subcontract Invoice Approver Discrepancy Form: report a subaward/subcontract approver list discrepancy.


Principal Investigator (PI)

Resource type
PI eLearning: complete mobile invoice approvals and assign a substitute approver
Online Learning
Subaward/Subcontract Tips & Resources Guide: tips for submitting subaward/subcontract requisitions as well as managing invoices
Reviewing & Approving Subaward/Subcontract Invoices: approve invoices via BruinBuy Plus email notifications
Subaward/Subcontract Invoice Approvers List: identify the fund managers and principal investigators assigned as approvers for subaward/subcontract invoices.
Subawards/Subcontract Invoice Approver Discrepancy Form: report a subaward/subcontract approver list discrepancy.



Question Answer

What are the operating hours for BruinBuy Plus?

BruinBuy Plus will be available 24/7; however, there will be quarterly maintenance, which will be communicated with significant advance notice.
When BruinBuy Plus goes live, will we be able to access the old BruinBuy? Will there still be the option for vendor lookup? BruinBuy will still be available for historical data. You will have "view only" access to BruinBuy.
Are we going to continue using BruinBuy Plus and FAUs? The first deployment of BruinBuy Plus (R1) will be using the FAU. The second deployment of BruinBuy Plus (R2 - the implementation of Oracle in December 2024) will be in the new Chart of Accounts (CoA).
What is the relationship between BruinBuy Plus and Concur? BruinBuy Plus and Concur are separate entities. BruinBuy Plus is UCLA's new procure-to-pay system that houses purchase orders and invoices. Concur is used for payments for employees, students, and travel.
Is PAN retiring once BruinBuy Plus goes live? The PAN notification in its current form will be retired. In place of that, there will be a BruinBuy Plus report available that PAN reviewers can use to review all transactions relevant to them via DACSS access.
How do Amazon purchases work with BruinBuy Plus? BruinBuy Plus will have an Amazon punchout catalog.
Does BruinBuy Plus impact UCLA Health or just UCLA Campus? David Geffen School of Medicine is included in BruinBuy Plus. If you currently have a BruinBuy login, you will be able to have a BruinBuy Plus login.


Question Answer

What is the maximum number of items that can be placed in a cart?

Catalog items in a shopping cart have no limit. However, there will be a maximum of 10 lines
items for form requests. If necessary, multiple forms can be added to your cart.
What is the max number of FAUs we can use to pay an invoice? 99.
How many vendors have hosted catalogs in BruinBuy Plus? There will be 36 catalog suppliers for go-live. Additional catalog vendors may be added post-go-live.
Will we receive a notification or email when a comment is added? Yes, there is an option to get an email notification when a message is sent.
Will Campus Buyers be notified when payment is processed on a PO? Yes, within BruinBuy Plus you can turn on notifications. You will be alerted via email any time a payment has been processed against your PO.
Will we be notified when vendor uploads an invoice or do we have to keep checking? It's not on by default, but users can configure their profile to be notified when an invoice enters workflow.
How will Campus Buyers be notified of invoice issues such as non-matching invoices? They can check the status of their invoice at any time in BruinBuy Plus. If AP needs to engage them due to matching exceptions, they will contact the Campus Buyer via comments.
What happens if you click "Next" before "Save Progress"? Will the system automatically save when you click "Next" or will there be an error message prompt? If you click "Next" before "Save Progress," the system saves and moves to the next screen. "Save" only saves your work but does not move you forward to the next screen.
Does BruinBuy Plus have a change order function? Yes, BruinBuy Plus does have change order functionality.
Will we continue to have a line available for comments like we do in BruinBuy? There is a comment feature within BruinBuy Plus where you can send comments to other UCLA individuals. There is also an External Notes section that will allow you to add a note to the supplier. If you simply want to add a note that stays with your PO, there is also an Internal Notes section.
When creating a requisition, will we be able to save the requisition in our shopping cart? You will be able to save favorites and/or copy from previous carts if you create requisitions
for the same item/services frequently.
Currently in BruinBuy there are Mandatory and Non-Mandatory reviewers. Will BruinBuy Plus also have this feature or will only mandatory reviewers receive notifications? Both Mandatory & Non-Mandatory PAN reviewers will be brought into BruinBuy Plus.
Can we download and save POs that are generated and sent out automatically to vendors? Yes, you will be able to view, download, and save the POs that are generated.
If a requestor inputs a wrong FAU in the PO, what are the steps that need to be taken to fix the FAU? The system will verify whether a PO string is valid. The system will also check if the individual has access to that particular FAU string. If these all fall through, you should be able to submit a Change Request and correct FAUs.
Will the new system require managers to review/approve invoices prior to payment? In the first release of BruinBuy Plus, we will continue utilizing DACSS for access management and PAN for transaction reviews. (Exception: Subaward/subcontract invoices will have workflow built in to BruinBuy Plus) In the second release of BruinBuy Plus, alongside Oracle, we will implement upfront approval workflow.
Since I work at a location where I'm purchasing items for many people within one building, is there a way to place a person’s name on the ship to? Yes. The user can update the "ATTN" field with a different person on the Purchase Request.
Will our saved Addresses/Ship To's transfer from BruinBuy to BruinBuy Plus? No. You’ll need to reassign your addresses when you configure your profile.
In BruinBuy, we have shipping codes saved by our department where multiple purchasers can select? Is this feature available in BruinBuy Plus or do all purchasers need to enter and save all delivery locations for the department? Users can fill in their floor/suite/room and save the address to their profile so it's easily
available for future orders.
When we user the Purchase Request Form, can we set our default profile to include declining balance PO and Receipt Required and HOLD until received? Yes, the user can set this as a default within their Default User Settings of their profile.
Where would we attach backup documents? Attach backup documents as either an internal or external document. Internal for UCLA only. External for UCLA and the vendor to see.
If a different shipping method is selected, will shipping cost be automatically generated immediately? The system does not calculate shipping. If it's from a punchout catalog, the vendor *might* include shipping information based on what's selected in the punchout. Otherwise, shipping will be finalized and put in at the invoice level. The Purchase Request/Purchase Order is only considered an estimate.
Access the PO migration list to see which legacy BruinBuy purchase orders migrated into BruinBuy Plus.


Question Answer

What is the difference between a requisition and a PO?

In BruinBuy Plus, most PO-based transactions will go through the same requisition and PO process. When you check out from a cart, it will become a requisition. Depending on the order, it may go through additional workflow and approvals during requisition process. Once all the workflows and approvals are completed, the requisition will be turned into a PO.
Is the total funding left on a PO be visible? Yes, within each PO there is a tab showing each invoice paid and how much has been spent/remaining for the PO.
Will a balance left on a PO automatically calculate after payment of an invoice? Yes, balances are adjusted as invoices are processed.
Will invoices be uploaded to each PO automatically? Invoices will be submitted via an email address, which will ultimately "upload" those invoices into BruinBuy Plus, apply it to the correct PO, and route to AP for invoice review, approval & processing.
How do we get access to what the codes mean when a PO is rejected or returned? Should a requisition be auto-returned due to some preset criteria, there will be a detailed reason why in the history log within the requisition. If a requisition is returned by a Campus Buyer or an Approver, the individual will be able to include comments. This will work in conjunction with the email and system notification.
How will departments know a PO was automatically emailed to a vendor as we collect the executed POs for our records? The requester will receive an email once the PO is generated. You can customize the notifications in BruinBuy Plus.
Will the vendor need the PO number included on their invoice prior to uploading for payment? For the optical character recognition solution (Digital Capture) to pick up the PO that the invoice is associated to, the vendor will need to include the PO number. Invoices without a PO will be filtered to a work queue that needs manual intervention.
In BruinBuy Plus, can we lookup other department's POs? No, moving forward you will only have access to your own department's PO.
I have a vendor who requests a deposit before the day of the event, then the rest of the payment the day of the event. How do I do that? You can indicate if a deposit/pre-payment is required for your particular transaction.
Will the purchaser be CC'd on the PO email to vendor? No, we were systematically limited and could not include this option. However, once your PO sends to the vendor, you will receive a notification.
Can we copy cart/POs from BruinBuy over to BruinBuy Plus? Carts from BruinBuy will not be available in BruinBuy Plus.
What kinds of requisitions are automatically approved and which kinds need to have
someone approve them?
In general, catalog orders will not require approval (with exceptions such as pharmaceutical). In general, non-catalog goods less than $10,000 with no restricted item or inventorial equipment will not require approval.
When do you determine if a receiving flag is necessary? Receiving is required for certain transactions, including subaward, subcontracts, and inventorial equipment. Otherwise, it is optional. When receiving is necessary may be determined by departmental policy.
Can you change the "receiving flag" after you've put in an order? While approvers would have the ability to flip the receiving flag while the order is in the Requisition workflow, a change request would need to be submitted after is PO is created.
When we create a change order, will the vendor also automatically receive a copy of the updated PO? Yes.
What is a declining balance PO and how is it different from a standard PO? Declining Balance PO will allow for cost receipts and multiple invoices submitted against it. In contrast, a "regular" PO will allow for quantity receipt and can only be invoiced against for the quantity the PO has created for. For example, your "regular" PO with a value of $1,000 and line quantity of 5 can only be invoiced against it up to 5 items. A Declining Balance PO with a value of $1,000 can have multiple invoices submitted against it, up to an aggregate value of the PO.
How can I close a BruinBuy Plus PO?

At this time, only UCLA Campus Purchasing & Payables has the permissions to close a PO in BruinBuy Plus. To request closure, submit a support ticket with the below details: 

  • PO number
  • Justification for closure
Question Answer

Are invoices viewable in BruinBuy Plus?

Yes, invoices that are being paid against a PO are viewable in BruinBuy Plus. Transactions that do not involve a PO but have an invoice for payment are also be viewable in BruinBuy Plus.
Can purchasers upload invoices for the vendors in BruinBuy Plus? The new invoice submission process in BruinBuy Plus requires vendors to submit their own invoices directly to a new centralized email –
How can I reject a submitted invoice if it is wrong and have the vendor correct and resubmit? You can enable "Requires Receiving" so that an invoice will require you to receive and approve it before it is paid.
Is there a section for Hold and Incomplete (H&I) items in BruinBuy Plus? H&Is in the technical sense do not exist in BruinBuy Plus. There are notifications of exceptions. If an invoice comes in and it is not able to be processed because of various reasons (e.g., insufficient funding or insufficient quantities on the PO), you will be notified of those invoices and of those statuses. You can also pull reports within BruinBuy Plus.
What happens if an invoice is received without a PO or an incorrect PO? All POs without a PO number or that don't match a PO number in BruinBuy Plus will route to AP for review and correction.
As it relates to invoices, is it possible to receive email notifications if comments have been made? If you are not named in the comment on any document type (e.g., PO, Requisition, Receipt, Invoice, Change Order), a notification is not sent. If you add a named person to the comment, that individual will get an email notification.
Will the receiving function still have a timeframe to expire? BruinBuy Plus will provide three (3) options for receiving:
  1. Required Receiving: payment will not be released until receiving is manually performed
    in the system.

    Automatically applied to purchase categories associated with subawards, subcontracts, inventorial equipment, and federally-funded transactions (i.e., fund numbers 21000 through 33999).

    Optional for all other purchase categories. 

  2. 15-Day Receiving: Used to enable receiving for a 15-day window—payment will
    automatically be released after this window closes even if receiving has not been
    manually performed in the system.
  3. No Receiving: Default receiving type—payment will automatically be released.
Question Answer

Will PAC system remain unchanged and linked to BruinBuy Plus like how it's linked to BruinBuy right now?

All data from BruinBuy Plus will push to PAC for R1.
Will AP provide guidance to vendors regarding the necessary details to include in a credit memo and offer instructions on the submission process? Additionally, considering previous discussions about invoice instructions being on the purchase order, does this encompass a segment for credit information as well? Generally, credit memos are no different than invoices. They are usually against a PO and require the same information. The only difference is a credit memo is a negative amount.
Question Answer

Will a requisition for punchout catalogs undergo an AP review, or will it immediately transition into a purchase order? How wouldthe  process differ if we were ordering more than $10,000 worth of goods? Currently we have base agreements (A Class) that would bypass a requisition. How would this work in BruinBuy Plus?

There is currently no workflow in BruinBuy Plus associated with punchout catalog orders, except for the High Value Approval triggered at $100k. K-Class Base Agreements will be made available in BruinBuy Plus via the CCT or Contract Compliance Tracker.
Would restricted items show up in catalogs? Catalog items are negotiated between UCLA and the vendor which means they only have allowable products included. The sourcing team can provide specifics if you need something about a particular vendor/catalog/product.
If we place an order from a hosted or punchout catalog, will we be notified if an item has been cancelled or discontinued? If so, will the system allow us to do the change order? What if an item was placed in error, but items haven’t shipped? It will vary by the vendor who owns the catalog on how they notify you. In that case, you would need to cancel the PO and create a new one for the new order.
Is there a way to compare items in a punchout catalog, similarly to how we can in the hosted catalog? Only if the vendor supports it, and it would only be within that single punchout.
Question Answer

Will there be an "encumbrance report" with BruinBuy Plus?

Currently, encumbrances feed into the FS system. In BruinBuy Plus it will work the same way as it does in BruinBuy. You will be able to check your PO balances within BruinBuy Plus, but the actual "ins and outs" of your expenses and encumbrances would still be done through OFSR.
Will encumbrances work the same way in BruinBuy Plus as they do in BruinBuy? For example, if an invoice is paid off of a purchase order (PO), but there is a remaining balance, will the order remain open until the preparer closes the order? If the PO is set up as a declining balance PO in BruinBuy Plus, any remaining balance on that order will either need to be a) Closed manually by the Campus Buyer/Central Procurement, or b) Completely invoiced in order to close automatically.
Will all POs in BruinBuy Plus create an encumbrance? Yes, once a requisition completes all workflows and a PO is created, it also creates an encumbrance.
Question Answer

What is the wire transfer process in BruinBuy Plus?

You still have to submit a wire transfer through Salesforce. The wire transfer process will not change the invoice submission. The only way to get invoices to AP is through the AP email address.
Will BruinBuy Plus request automatically submit request to CRU for Foreign payments (subject to potential federal withholding)? Yes.
Will we be able to make payments in foreign currency or will we need to attach a currency conversion? Payments are only made in US dollars. The foreign wire transfer process will still need to be followed.
Can you further explain the process for foreign wires? So, we submit a request through Salesforce as we currently do. Do we then need to upload anything to BruinBuy Plus or otherwise indicate that we have submitted the Salesforce form? You can definitely add the Salesforce info in a comment on the invoice, that would be helpful to AP. If the Salesforce has not been completed and AP sees your invoice has requested a wire payment, they will comment to you to get the Salesforce part completed, so being proactive is great!
Question Answer

What is the process for generating a PO for LVO?

All transactions in BruinBuy Plus starts as a requisition. A guided Purchase Request form has been created with workflows that automatically redirect orders to responsible approvers (i.e., EH&S, Labor Relations, and more). For a true LVO that is not a restricted item, BruinBuy Plus will automatically create the PO and send it to the vendor email on file.
If our POCR breaches the new LVO threshold of $10k, will it automatically be routed to Purchasing? (or the applicable overseer) Yes, any orders over $10k will auto route to Purchasing.
Question Answer

How are one-time payees be paid in BruinBuy Plus?

BruinBuy Plus will have a Direct Pay form that will allow for these types of payments/transactions. Please note that for a payment or purchase order (PO) to be issued through BruinBuy Plus, all payees must be registered in PaymentWorks. This requirement applies to all BruinBuy Plus payees, including individuals who are receiving a single payment.
My department processes refunds for our students; they are considered One-Time Payees. Do we have to register students in PaymentWorks to process refunds for them? Anyone transacting with UCLA needs to register in PaymentWorks. However, some information collected by Vendor Management is sensitive so it may not be best practice to provide that information on behalf of your student. We recommend reaching out to Vendor Management to talk through how best to support your students with getting onboarded.
Is there an approval process for the Direct Pay form? There is an approval process. An invoice is required to be attached to the Direct Pay form in support of the request. Also, all Direct Pay requests get reviewed by AP.
Are guest lecturers processed with a Direct Pay? If payments are expected, it is considered a service and should have a PO using the Purchase Request Form. If payments were not expected, and the department decides they want to send payment as a thank you gift for example, it would be considered an honorarium and would be processed with a Direct Pay.
Question Answer

We have vendors reluctant to sign up in PaymentWorks. Is there a deadline at which point they will not be paid?

For vendors to receive POs and payments in BruinBuy Plus, they will need to be registered in PaymentWorks. If you have vendors who are reluctant, feel free to direct them to Vendor Management (
Do we need to have the people we are paying an honorarium to be in PaymentWorks? Vendors must be registered in PaymentWorks to participate in BruinBuy Plus transactions, so yes honorarium recipients will need to be registered in PaymentWorks.
Is there a way for UCLA personnel to verify whether a payment has been made in PaymentWorks? PaymentWorks is for vendor onboarding only and is used to house the vendor’s confidential information (i.e., banking information, payment type, etc.). You will be able to see paid invoices, outstanding invoices, etc. in BruinBuy Plus.
Is there somewhere where we can see which vendors have already been transitioned to PaymentWorks? You can check to see if vendors have been onboarded to PaymentWorks by accessing the
PaymentWorks Roster (
We have students who pay us using CASHNet/Transact for study abroad programs. For students who make payments with echeck, we have to use BruinBuy to issue refund using an X-class order on One-Time Payee. Do we now need to make students register using PaymentWorks to issue a refund going forward? This would be done through Concur.
For honorariums if there is no invoice from a guest lecturer will our department honorarium paperwork suffice for the invoice? With an honorarium, you can submit a Direct Pay form, which is a non-PO transaction. You can use the direct pay form to pay that honorary for that request. Keep in mind that honorariums and guest lecturers are a little bit different. If we are making a voluntary payment to a vendor, that is an honorarium. If they are doing a guest lecture, and they are charge a fee for the lecture, that is considered a service payment where an invoice is required.
Are utility vendors automatically transferred to BruinBuy Plus? Utility vendors will be transferred over to BruinBuy Plus without the need for PaymentWorks registration.
Several vendors we purchase through are normally handled through Software Central, do those vendors also need to be in PaymentWorks? Transactions currently happening through Software Central should continue to occur through Software Central.
Will the request for vendor onboarding be routed to the vendor directly so that we don't have to send an invitation via PaymentWorks? The request for vendor onboarding will be routed to Vendor Management who will take ownership of onboarding vendors to PaymentWorks.
Does using Forms to purchase, replace the vendor invite feature in PaymentWorks? No. Form to purchase replaces the order class in BruinBuy. If the vendor you wish to transact with is not in BruinBuy Plus, you will select "Request Vendor Onboarding", and enter in the information for that new vendor. Then Vendor Management will send that vendor an invite from PaymentWorks.
Do recipients of an honorarium submit an invoice? The vendor invoice number is a required field. An invoice is not expected for an honorarium. The invoice number would be today's date.
Question Answer

What is the review/approval process in BruinBuy Plus? What will Fund Managers involvement be?

When a subawardee or subcontractor submits an invoice to, it will first enter AP workflow for AP to process the invoice. Then it will route to the fund manager & PI associated to the fund for review and approval.  If the invoice is incorrect, either the fund manager or the PI can reject the invoice, but they need to communicate to the subawardee or subcontractor what needs to be fixed on the invoice before they resubmit it to
For POs automatically sent to the email address associated with the Vendors PaymentWorks account, what about Subawards? We need the Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) to send the POs, so I assume this will not apply to those? Will the department contact be CC'd on the email? While BruinBuy Plus will generate a purchase order for subawards/subcontracts, the system will not automatically send the purchase order to the subawardee or subcontractors associated with the purchase order. Instead, it will go first to OCGA if it's a subaward. OCGA will then take their documents and contracts, add the purchase order number, and then manually send it to them. If it follows the Research subcontract route, it will go to our contracts group within Procurement. The contracts group will complete the requisition and prepare a purchase order. The team will then take their contract, put the purchase order number on the contract, and manually send the contract. They have control of where to send invoices. To answer the final part of the question, departments will not be CC'd. However, there is the ability to locate copies of these purchase orders in the systems. You can also receive notifications that direct you to purchase orders in the system.
In regard to Subawards/Subcontracts, who does the receiving? The individual who prepared the Subaward/Subcontract can complete the receiving. Alternatively, anyone with a BruinBuy Plus login who has viewable access to that transaction can also complete the receiving.
Is there a resource available to help Fund Managers and PIs manage BruinBuy Plus subawards and subcontracts? Yes! Check out the Subaward/Subcontract Tips & Resources Guide.