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Concur Refund Expense Type Matrix

Expense Type – Parent Expense Type – Child Object Code Sub Code Dropdown Options Description
  Catering 3000 16 N/A Use for a canceled event’s catering services. 
  Central Tickets  3000 16
  1. Sports Tickets
  2. Event Tickets
  3. Credits
  4. Other
Use for items originating from the UCLA Central Ticket Office opens a new window (e.g., basketball or event tickets).  
  Event Cancelation  3000 16 N/A Use when an event is canceled and a refund is due. 
  Program Deposit  3000 16 N/A  
  Program Withdrawal  9000 20 N/A Use when a participant withdraws from a program (e.g., camps, travel study, etc.).
  Deposits 3000 16
  1. Key(s)
  2. Security Deposit (Non-Housing)
  3. Other
Use to refund an amount previously paid as a deposit (e.g., department key deposits).
  Housing 1000 16
  1. Security Deposit
  2. Moved Out
  3. Housing Canceled
  4. Room Credit
  5. Meal Plan Adjustment
  6. Overpayment
  7. Application Fee
  8. Other
Use for housing-related refunds. Typically associated with partial refunds for residents that move out or cancel their housing agreement.
  Student Loan Overpayment 1000 16 N/A Use to partially refund a student loan payment (i.e., an individual pays more than their outstanding loan balance).
  Tuition & Fees 1000 20
  1. Admission
  2. Applications
  3. Course Fees
  4. Enrollment
  5. Financial Aid 
  6. Registration
Use when a student withdraws or drops a course within the drop window.
  Conference Registration 3000 16 N/A Use to refund conference registration (e.g., registration canceled within “cancelation window”, conference canceled).
  Membership 9050 16 N/A Use when a member of an organization/club requests a refund of their membership dues. 
  Citation 0000 21 N/A Use for a citation refund (e.g., erroneous parking citation).
  Metro Pass 9000 20 N/A Use for refunds associated with metro pass usage issues.
  Parking 9000 20 N/A Use to refund parking fees (e.g., overpayment, cancelation, dispute).
  Confidential Refund 9050 16 N/A Use for private or sensitive refunds that cannot be disclosed publicly. Contact Accounts Payable before utilizing this expense type.
  Late Payment Fees 9050 16 N/A Use to refund late payment fees (e.g., customer has demonstrated a valid reason for the late payment or an error in the fee calculation).
  Other 9050 16 N/A Use for refunds that do not fit into the other predefined expense types.
  Unused Balance 9050 16 N/A Use to return an account’s unused balance.