As a state agency, the University of California is mandated to engage in environmental preferred purchasing (EPP). State agencies should purchase and use environmentally preferred products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing goods or services that serve the same purpose, whenever they are applicable, perform well and are cost efficient.
California Public Contract Code, sections 12400-12404 (AB 498, Chan, Chapter 575, Statutes of 2002). More information can be found in Executive Order B-18-12 by Governor Jerry Brown.
UC has developed its own Sustainable Practices Policy. UC Procurement Leadership Council governs purchasing on 10 UC campuses. UCLA is a member of Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and recognize purchasing leadership that accelerates the transition to a prosperous and sustainable future. In addition, UCLA has a dedicated Sustainability Steering Committee and has developed UCLA Sustainable Plan.
UC Policy on Sustainable Practices
UC Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
UCLA Single-Use Plastics Policy
UCLA Single-Use Plastics Policy Resources
UCLA Sustainable Purchasing Guide

Overview of UC Policy on Sustainable Practices

Current Projects and Achievements
- Today more than 90% of office paper at UCLA is either 30% post-consumer recycled or higher; our goal is to eliminate virgin paper use and eventually all paper use
- We are working on transforming internal processes to become paper free, with a high adoption ratio among our vendors of digital invoicing with Transcepta
- We recently awarded an RFP for 225 Electric vehicles for fleet purposes for the next 5 years to Chevy
- UCLA launched its own Bike share service
- Trademark Licensing Code of Conduct. It is the policy of UC that goods bearing the names of the University or its campuses, abbreviations or these names, logos, mascots, seals, or other trademarks owned by UC must be produced under fair, safe and humane working conditions
- Nearly all food service containers at UCLA Housing are compostable
- Styrofoam has been eliminated from all UCLA dining facilities
Sustainable LA Grand Challenge
The UCLA Grand Challenge in sustainability is a major University-wide initiative focused on getting Los Angeles to 100% sustainability in energy, water and biodiversity by 2050. Check out the launch site and video.
For more information about other sustainability initiatives and accomplishments at UCLA please visit UCLA Sustainability Site.