Amazon Business is the business supply purchasing platform for Amazon. Within BruinBuy Plus, Amazon is a punchout vendor and provides users the opportunity to purchase a deeper and wider selection of items than what is normally found in Amazon.com's personal shopping catalog.
- Free one-day and two-day shipping* on Prime-eligible items
- Quantity discounts on top-brand and top-selling products
- Access to certified small, diverse, local and sustainable businesses
- Automated purchase order creation
- Real-time data to make smarter budgeting and purchasing decisions
- No reconciliation requirements
- Specialized Amazon Business customer service
* after PO issuance
How-To Information
- Log in to BruinBuy Plus.
- Select the Amazon Business tile from the Home Shopping Dashboard's Showcase.
Do not directly log in to the public-facing Amazon website. - You will automatically be punched out to Amazon Business. If prompted, enter your first and last name. Select Start Shopping to continue.
NOTE: If your UCLA email was previously associated with an Amazon account, review the Amazon Business Punchout Registration web page.
The default Amazon Business punchout payment method is Pay By Invoice. Click Use this payment method when shopping.
For order, transaction, shipping, and general inquiries, contact Amazon Business Customer Support at 888-281-3847 or email amazonbusinesscs@amazon.com.
Product Categories
In alignment with other UC campuses, we have configured Amazon Business punchout policies to prioritize search results for small, diverse, and local sellers and items with sustainability certifications.
We have restricted some product categories where Prime benefits (e.g., free, fast shipping) do not apply. Restricted items will appear with a warning message at the top of the screen.
In accordance with UC purchasing policies and requirements, the following product categories cannot be purchased through Amazon Business punchout:
- Adult Products
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Credit Cards
- Digital Goods & Content
- Furniture
- Gift Cards
- Jewelry, Watches, Luggage
- Legal Agreement & Contracts, Subscribe with Amazon
- Postage Stamps
- Services
- Software
- Tobacco
- Unsupported Amazon Content
- Video Games, Magazines
- Wireless Services