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Low-Value Orders

Effective January 2, 2024, UCLA transitioned to its new procure-to-pay system, BruinBuy Plus. This web page is actively being updated; however, it still references the legacy BruinBuy system and processes. Review the BruinBuy Plus hub for additional information and resources. 


Low-value orders (LVOs) are intended to streamline the process for smaller, low-risk purchases, where the involvement of Purchasing is unlikely to net a better deal. Departments are authorized to place low-value orders for up to $5,000 per vendor per account per day in BruinBuy Plus, UCLA’s procure-to-pay system.

When to Use

An LVO should be issued at the time of order or commitment to the vendor. It protects the University, complies with policy and confirms the agreement with the vendor. BruinBuy Plus allows for LVOs to be faxed to vendors. Communicating the terms and conditions of purchase with vendors in this manner provides protection to the University that may not be available if LVOs are used simply to facilitate payment when invoices are received.

LVOs are not intended to be used in cases where Strategic Sourcing agreements have been put in place. Purchases for goods or services covered by Strategic Sourcing agreements must be made by releases based on those agreements.

How to Create an LVO

Responsibility Action
Department (Individual with low-value authorization) Prepare an online low-value order (LVO) in the BruinBuy Plus to record each purchase.
Place order with vendor by fax, mail or phone.
Distribute form copies (if used).
Vendor Deliver requested goods or performs service.
Department (Individual who did not place order) Receive goods or services and note receipt online.
Vendor Send invoice to Accounts Payable.
Accounts Payable Receive invoice from vendor and match to online order. Schedule invoice for payment.
Department (Individual who did not place order) Review DACSS/PAN (Distributed Administrative Computing Security System/Post-Authorization Notification) messages and audit for receipt of order.


For LVO restrictions and for purchases that are not allowed under any circumstance, see Related Information.