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H&I Dashboard

Effective January 2, 2024, UCLA transitioned to its new procure-to-pay system, BruinBuy Plus. This web page is actively being updated; however, it still references the legacy BruinBuy system and processes. Review the BruinBuy Plus hub for additional information and resources. 


The H&I dashboard: 

  • Refreshes every business day
  • Provides summary views by department, vendor, and hold code
  • Drills down into invoice-specific details

The reporting functionality goes beyond what is currently available in BruinBuy, allowing users to quickly see hold code descriptions and the member of their team associated with each invoice. 

The Dashboard's Anatomy

The landing page allows you to populate the dashboard based on organization code or department code. 
NOTE: If you need to view the data for multiple departments under a single organization, search by organization and then manually select the departments of interest through the dashboard view. For more information, see "PART 1: Left Column" in the Dashboard View section.

The dashboard view is broken into five parts:

section Description & Details

Left Column

•  Populates filtered selection's outstanding H&I by amount and invoice count

•  Allows you to further filter data by 1) H&I Invoice Date (i.e., date placed on H&I), 2) Department Code & Title, 3) Vendor ID & Short Name, and 4) CAO

Days Outstanding Table

Displays filtered selection's H&I by outstanding days, amount, and invoice count

H&I Summary by Department  

•  Displays filtered selection's H&I details by department

•  By default, this summary is sorted by highest invoice count. To update the sort settings, simply select a column header



H&I Summary by Vendor


•  Displays filtered selection's H&I details by vendor

•  By default, this summary is sorted by highest invoice count. To update the sort settings, simply select a column header


H&I Hold Code Breakdown •  Populates filtered selection's top five hold codes

•  Codes that are not part of the top five are grouped into the "Other" category

•  Hover over a section of the chart to easily see its details (additional hold code information can be found in the H&I Reference Document)

The invoice details view is an invoice-by-invoice report. It is accessed by selecting View Entire Invoice Detail in the top-right of the dashboard view. The data can be further filtered with the dropdowns in the header. A breakdown of the detail fields can be found below: 

Field Name Description
Org Code Invoice's organization number
Org Title Invoice's organization name
Dept Code Invoice's department number
Dept Title Invoice's department name
Current CAO Populates based on our current CAO/CFO list. If there is an error, please contact
CAO Email Populates based on our current CAO/CFO list. If there is an error, please contact
Current CFO Populates based on our current CAO/CFO list. If there is an error, please contact
CFO Email Populates based on our current CAO/CFO list. If there is an error, please contact
PO Number Invoice's associated purchase order (PO) number
Reference Number Additional information attached to the invoice (e.g., old PO number)
Vendor ID Also known as the Vendor Control Key (VCK)
Vendor Short Name Vendor's name
Preparer Logon Logon ID of the individual who prepared the PO in BruinBuy
Contact Logon Logon ID of the individual who requested the goods/services that are being purchased
Contact Name Name of the individual who requested the goods/services that are being purchased
H&I Rep Campus Purchasing & Payables representative who placed the invoice on H&I
Invoice Number N/A
Invoice Days Pending on H&I Days between H&I Invoice Hold Date and today 
H&I Invoice Hold Date The date the invoice was placed on H&I
Invoice Date The date on the invoice
Invoice Hold Reason Code N/A
Hold Code Desc A description of the hold code. Additional information can be found in the H&I Reference Document
Invoice Amount


To export dashboard data: 

1. Select View Entire Invoice Detail in the top-right of the dashboard view

2. Apply desired filters via the header dropdowns

3. Select the Download button located in the bottom of the screen

Tableau download command

4. Select Crosstab

5. Select Drilldown

6. Select Download

A spreadsheet of your selected data will now download.


Use our H&I Dashboard Request Form to: 

  • Request access
  • Ask dashboard usability questions
NOTE: The dashboard was previously only available to CAOs and CFOs; however, we have now extended access requests to all UCLA administrators who think it may benefit them. 


The dashboard can only display a single organization's data at a time.

If you need to view the data for multiple departments under a single organization, search by organization and then manually select the departments of interest in the dashboard view. For more information, see "PART 1: Left Column" in the Dashboard View section.

You can see the latest Database Refresh Date in the top-left of the dashboard view. The data is always populated based on the previous business day. 

Your department has no outstanding H&I invoices! The dashboard updates daily, so check back often to see if any H&Is have been added. 

"Null" is populated when we do not have the CAO's/CFO's name or email on file. If there is an error, please contact

Please contact